令和6年度(2024年度)熊本学園大学付属高校一般入試 英語 大問5 解説|熊本の学習塾ブレイクスルー・アカデミー
Tommy delivers newspapers. Every morning he gets up at 4: 00 a.m. He rides his motor scooter to the newspaper center. He collects 100 newspapers. Then he rides his motor scooter around the neighborhood. He puts the newspapers into the letterboxes of the people on his list.
It is dark, and often it is cold. But Tommy likes it. There are no people on the streets so early. Everyone is still sleeping. Tommy likes to think about the people in the houses. He has never seen them. But he likes to make up stories about them. Some houses are very big. They have expensive cars in their garages.
Some houses are very small. Some people have beautiful gardens. Some people have children’s toys outside. Tommy has ideas about the people in almost every house. This house belongs to a bank manager, he is very fat, thinks Tommy. The children in this house are in high school. The woman in this house is lazy. She doesn’t take her garbage out and she doesn’t tidy her garden.
There is just one house that Tommy doesn’t ( 1 ). It is small and old. It has expensive curtains and a beautiful garden. There is never a car, or a bicycle or toys outside. Who lives there? wonders Tommy. Is it a man or a woman? Are they young? Are they old? It’s a mystery.
Tommy often ( 2 ) about the mystery house. Then one morning he meets ③the owner of the house. It happens like this. It is winter and it is snowing. The snow started just as Tommy got up. The first house on Tommy’s list is the mystery house. When Tommy stops his motor scooter to put the newspaper in the letterbox, he sees that the door of the house is open. Then he sees footprints.
They go from the front door of the house towards the road. Then they go towards the garden. Tommy is puzzled. He puts the newspaper in the letterbox and then goes to look at the footprints. Someone got up early this morning, he thinks. It only started snowing at 4:00 a.m.
The footprints are very small. They look like a child’s footprints. But Tommy doesn’t think a child lives in the house. The other strange thing is that the person was not wearing shoes. They are footprints of bare feet.
Tommy is (5 ). He thinks there is something wrong. He follows the footprints. In the garden, he sees someone lying on the ground. He runs towards the person lying on the ground. It is a very small, very old woman. She is wearing a nightgown. She doesn’t move. Tommy thinks she is dead, but he kneels down and touches her. “Are you OK?”
She isn’t dead. She ( 6 ) something. Tommy has to put his head next to her face to hear. “The house. Someone inside. Hit me. I ran away. I was(7).”
Tommy looks at the house. He takes his cell phone and calls the police and an ambulance. He runs to his motor scooter. Someone is coming out of the house.
Tommy throws his bag of newspapers at the man. The man is running towards Tommy but he falls over the bag. Tommy jumps on the man and sits on his head.
Then the police and an ambulance arrive. The old woman is very ill but the ambulance people think she will be OK. The police take the man away. Tommy’s newspapers are wet from the snow.
Tommy has to go back to the newspaper center and get more newspapers. He must ( 8 ) his delivery. The newspapers will be late today. Tommy hopes the readers don’t mind. He is wet and cold but he is ( 9). The policemen told him he was a hero. That makes him feel good. But he also feels good because he knows who lives in the mystery house.
ア Tommy met most of the people on his list and talked with them.
イ Tommy usually delivers the newspaper while everyone is asleep.
ウ Tommy wants to live in a house with a big garden and an expensive car.
エ The old woman was taken by ambulance to the hospital, but she died.
オ Tommy caught a man by jumping on him after he fell.
カ Tommy got a little hurt, but he was happy to be a hero.
キ Finally Tommy found out who lives in the mystery house.
ア トミーはリストのほとんどの人に会って話をした。
イ トミーはいつも、みんなが寝ている間に新聞を配達している。
ウ トミーは大きな庭と高級車のある家に住みたいと思っている。
エ 老女は救急車で病院に運ばれたが、死亡した。
オ トミーは、倒れた男に飛びついて捕まえた。
カ トミーは少し怪我をしたが、ヒーローになれて嬉しかった。
キ ついにトミーは謎の家に誰が住んでいるのか突き止めた。