令和5年度(2023年度)熊本学園大学付属高校一般入試 英語 大問6 解説|熊本の学習塾ブレイクスルー・アカデミー




A role model is someone who serves as a model for what you want to be like, or a model for how you think and act. It is said that everyone unconsciously sets role models and is influenced by them. Good role models are hard to find. Do you have one? Maybe your role model is a parent or a grandparent. Maybe it is your boss at work or a teacher at your school. Maybe your role model is a historical person from long ago.


When I was a young boy, I didn’t look forward to growing up. I thought becoming an adult would be boring and stressful. I didn’t know any adults who enjoy life. [A] Of course, I knew that I could not remain a child forever, and that made me (①)

幼い頃、大人になるのが楽しみでならなかった。大人になることは退屈で、ストレスのたまることだと思っていた。人生を楽しんでいる大人を知らなかった。[A] もちろん、いつまでも子どもでいられるわけではないことはわかっていた。それが私を①させた。

I was 15 years old when I found a role model that I wanted to become as an adult. I was no longer a child, but I was not quite grown up. It happened in a small town in southern Hokkaido called Setana. I went to Setana to work as a volunteer for a group of young and struggling dairy farmers. It was an interesting and useful way to spend part of my summer vacation.


The young dairy farmers in Setana worked harder than anyone I had ever known. Back then, they were too poor to have many farm machines. From raising dairy cows to burning fields, preparing for planting, harvesting and storing hay and alfalfa, they did all the work by ( ③ ). It was the hardest physical work I have ever experienced. [B]


At the end of one tiring day, I was told to patch the holes in my rubber work boots. They were slashed by the sharp bamboo grass when we were clearing the fields. I began cutting round or square patches from rubber. One farmer was surely even more tired than I, but he was cutting patches for his own boots into crescent moons, stars and hearts.


I suddenly (an adult / didn’t / that / have to / mean / realized / becoming) a boring life. On the contrary, it was possible to be playful and joyful even during the most difficult times.[C] I began to look forward to the challenges of adult life with humor, and a creative mind.
※I suddenly realized that becoming an adult didn’t have to mean a boring life.

大人になるということは、退屈な人生を送ることではないのだと、私は突然気づいた。それどころか、最も困難な時期であっても、遊び心と喜びを持つことは可能だった[C] 。

Many years have passed since that day. I found new role models for the ( ⑤ ) stages of my life, including models for how to raise children, how to grow old and how to prepare for death. [D] Someday, somewhere, maybe I can become a role model for the people who come after me.

あの日から長い年月が過ぎた。子育ての仕方、老い方、死への備え方など、人生の(⑤)段階における新たなロールモデルを見つけた。[D] いつか、どこかで、後輩たちのロールモデルになれるかもしれない。

(1) I found role models among the living and I found role models from the past.
(2) That day I found a role model for the kind of adult I wanted to become.

(1) 生きている人たちの中にロールモデルを見つけたし、過去の人たちからもロールモデルを見つけた。
(2) その日、私は自分がなりたい大人のロールモデルを見つけた。

ア The writer didn’t want to be an adult when he was a child because he thought adults around him didn’t enjoy life.
イ The writer grew up in Setana in Hokkaido and helped the farm there.
ウ The writer did a volunteer activity in Setana and found a good role model for him.
エ A role model is someone who helps you and gives some advice.
オ The dairy farmers in Setana are so poor that they couldn’t take care of animals.

ア 作家が子供の頃、大人になりたくないと思ったのは、周りの大人が人生を楽しんでいないと思ったからだ。
イ 作家は北海道のせたな町で育ち、そこで農業を手伝っていた。
ウ 筆者はセタナでボランティア活動を行い、彼にとって良いロールモデルを見つけた。
エ ロールモデルとは、あなたを助け、助言を与えてくれる人のことだ。
オ セタナの酪農家はとても貧しく、動物の世話もできない。







