令和6年度(2024年度)熊本学園大学付属高校一般入試 英語 大問6 解説|熊本の学習塾ブレイクスルー・アカデミー




Who has the greatest effect on our lives today?


A group of different experts decided it was Johann Gutenberg. Gutenberg is famous for inventing printing, but he didn’t really invent it. He invented a better way of printing.


For hundreds of years, people used blocks of wood to print. They used a knife to cut words in the block of wood. They made the words backward. Then they covered the block with ink and pressed it onto paper. When they took the paper from the inky blocks, the words appeared on the paper in the right way. In Korea and China, people printed with metal stamps instead of wood. At the time, printing was (1) and very slow. People usually wrote books by hand, so it took several years to make one copy of a book.


Books were very ( 2) and unusual. Only rich people could buy them, and only rich people could read. Since more people learned to read, books became more popular. People around the world wanted to find a quicker, better, and less expensive way to print books. One of these people was Johann Gutenberg.


Gutenberg was born in Mainz, Germany, around 1400. He was a clever man, and he was good at working with metal. Gutenberg probably had no idea ( 3 ) people printed in China. His idea was to make a metal stamp for each letter of the alphabet and use the letters over and over. He could put the stamps together to make words and arrange the words to make pages. With ink on the stamps, he could press paper on them to make a page. A “printing press” machine could make hundreds of copies of a single page quickly. After that page, he could rearrange the same letters to make other words and print other pages. 


It[ア to イ very easy ウ wasn’t エ Gutenberg オ for カmake] the stamps for each letter of the alphabet. When he finished the stamps, he didn’t have enough money to make the printing press. He borrowed money from a man named Johann Fust. They became business partners. After many years, Gutenberg’s printing press was ready. Gutenberg printed his first book, the Bible, around 1455.

※It [wasn’t very easy for Gutenberg to make] the stamps for each letter of the alphabet.


Johann Fust was a good businessman. He understood the importance of Gutenberg’s invention. He took Gutenberg to court because Gutenberg still owed him money. Gutenberg had no money, so Fust took his printing press and ( 6 ) his own business. He printed and sold more Bibles and kept all the money. Gutenberg was sad and broke. He died in 1468, a poor man.


Today people remember Johann Gutenberg. The city of Mainz has a statue of him and a museum. His original printing press is in the museum. They print several pages a day to show that it is still in good condition. There are only forty-eight copies of the original Bible. It is the most expensive book in the world. In 1987, a Gutenberg Bible was sold in New York for $5.3 million.


(1) Before Gutenberg’s printing press, [   ]

ア there weren’t any kinds of printing 
イ it was easy to print books by hand
ウ people in Korea printed with metal stamps
エ people only wrote books by hand

グーテンベルクの印刷機以前, [ ]

ア 印刷の種類はなかった
イ 手作業で本を印刷するのは簡単だった
ウ 金属印で印刷された韓国の人々
エ 人々は手書きでしか本を書かなかった

(2) Gutenberg [    ]

ア got the idea for a printing press 
イ knew about printing press in China
ウ didn’t use ink to print letters
エ was good at working with wood


ア 印刷機のアイデアを得た
イ 中国の印刷機を知っていた
ウ 文字を印刷するのにインクを使わなかった
エ 木を扱うのが得意だった

(3) Today people think that Gutenberg was [   ]

ア a good salesman
イ a great inventor
ウ a famous author of Bible
エ a clever and rich man

今日、人々はグーテンベルクは[ ]だったと考えている。

ア 敏腕セールスマン
イ 偉大な発明家
ウ 聖書の有名な著者
エ 頭脳明晰な上に金もち


ア A printing machine could make many copies of a single page in a short time.
イ Gutenberg didn’t invent the way of printing but he wrote the Bible.
ウ Gutenberg died before his first book, the Bible, was printed.
エ Gutenberg used the same letter stamps again and again for printing.
オ Gutenberg’s great invention made Johann Fust rich first, then Gutenberg next.
カ Fust borrowed money from Gutenberg, and he was going to give it back later.

ア 印刷機は短時間で1ページを何部も作ることができる。
イ グーテンベルクは印刷方法を発明したのではなく、聖書を書いたのだ。
ウ グーテンベルクは最初の本である聖書が印刷される前に亡くなった。
エ グーテンベルクは印刷に何度も同じ文字スタンプを使った。
オ グーテンベルクの偉大な発明は、まずヨハン・フストを金持ちにし、次にグーテンベルクを金持ちにした。
カ フストはグーテンベルクから金を借り、後で返すつもりだった。







