令和5年度(2023年度)熊本学園大学付属高校一般入試 英語 大問5 解説|熊本の学習塾ブレイクスルー・アカデミー

Long, long ago there was a great king who had no work to do. Every day, and all day long, he sat on soft cushions and listened to stories. And he never grew tired of ( ① ) them, even if they were very long. “There is only one fault that I find with your story,” he often said, “it is too(②).”
All the story-tellers in the world were invited to his palace. But the king was always sad when a story ended. At last he sent word into every city, every town and every village. He offered a prize to anyone who could tell an endless tale to him. He said,-
“To the man who tells me a story which will continue forever, I will give my fairest daughter for his wife and he will be king after me.”
But this was not all.He added a very hard condition. “If any man tries to tell such a story and then fails, his head will be cut off.” The king’s daughter was very pretty, but no one wanted to lose his head.
One young man made a story that continued three months, but at the end of that time, he could think of nothing more, And the king’s word was not ( ④ ). Everyone in the country was surprised to hear this sad news about him, and no one wanted to be like him.
But one day a stranger from the South came into the palace.
“Great king,” he said, “Is your offer true?”
“It is true,” said the king.
“And will this man have your fairest daughter for his wife, and will he be your heir?”
“Yes, if he can,” said the king. “But if he fails, he will lose his head.”
“Very well, then,” said the stranger. The story-teller began his tale.
“Once upon a time a king seized upon all the corn in his country, and stored it away in a strong granary. But a lot of locusts came over the land and saw the granary.
「はい、もし可能なら “と王は言った。「しかし、もし失敗すれば、彼は首を失うだろう。
After searching for many days, they found a small hole that was just large enough for one locust to pass through at a time. So one locust went in and carried away a piece of corn, then another locust went in and carried away a piece of corn, then another locust went in and carried away a piece of corn.”
Day after day, week after week, the man kept on saying,⑥
A month passed. A year passed. At the end of two years, the king said,—
“How much longer will the locusts be going in and carrying away corn?”
“Oh, king!” said the story-teller, “they have ( ⑦ ) only one cubit and there are many thousand cubits in the granary.”
“Man, man!” cried the king, “That’s enough. I can listen to it no longer. Take my daughter. Be my heir. Rule my kingdom. But do not tell me another word about those horrible locusts!”
And so the strange story-teller married the king’s daughter. And he lived happily in the land for many years.
But his father-in-law, the king, did not want to listen to any more stories.
ア”But another locust couldn’t find a piece of corn there.”
イ “Then the locusts killed each other to get food.”
ウ”Then another locust went in and carried away a piece of corn.”
エ”And the locusts were too tired to carry any piece of corn.”
ア 「しかし、別のイナゴはそこでトウモロコシを見つけることができなかった。
イ 「そして、イナゴは食料を得るために殺し合った。
ウ 「すると別のイナゴが入ってきて、トウモロコシを一本持ち去った。
エ 「そして、イナゴは疲れ果てて、とうもろこしを運ぶことができなかった。
アThere was a king who knew the longest story in the world.
イMany people in the country wanted the king’s daughter and tried his offer.
ウAfter the king listened to the long story, he began to keep all the corn in his country.
エThe stranger’s tale made the king tired and he didn’t want to listen to any more stories.
オThe stranger stopped telling the story because of the king and he married the king’s daughter.
ア 世界で一番長い物語を知っている王がいた。
イ 多くの国民が王の娘を欲しがり、彼の申し出を試みた。
ウ 王は長い話を聞いた後、自分の国のすべてのトウモロコシを飼い始めた。
エ 見知らぬ男の話は王を疲れさせ、王はこれ以上話を聞きたくなかった。
オ そのよそ者は、王のせいで話をするのをやめ、王の娘と結婚した。